So like most people, I was hesitant starting something new. I have always been into beauty and fashion but did not know quite how to express those interests. One day, casually scrolling on Instagram I came across many lifestyle bloggers. The pictures were perfectly shot, the outfits were beautiful, and the locations were even more beautiful. I spent almost an entire day on Instagram indulging in these beautiful profiles, thinking these people have amazing lives! I decided, that’s what I wanted to do. My first thought was, I don’t have a Gucci bag or YSL shoes to take pictures in everyday, let alone someone to take pictures of me. After researching lifestyle blogging, I came across a blogger who said “Start with what you have” which is what I decided to do. I didn’t go out and buy a fancy camera or new outfits (I did indulge in a few pair of shoes however lol). Nonetheless, here I am, with my own blog! And I get to write about whatever I want! Shoes, Clothes, Lipstick, Highlighters, Food, Best Hotels. I can’t wait!